New way of following RBMFC


We are pleased to announce that RBMFC (Revista Brasileira de Medicina de Família e Comunidade) now offers its readers another way of being notified when a new article is published:

JournalTOCs is a service that allows users to follow, in a single place, the table of contents of multiple scholarly journals. This means the reader does not need to configure the receipt of the table of contents in each journal, in each publisher. The free version of JournalTOCs allows up to 30 journals per user and sends alerts to the registered email address. There are features for users of news aggregators, as well.

Due to technical problems, RBMFC is not currently notifying its users with each published article. We hope to get back with the service soon, but for now we recommend following RBMFC through Twitter or JournalTOCs, or else following SBMFC on Instagram or Facebook, or participating in the SBMFC mailing list.