Não se limite a fazer algo, esteja lá


  • Jerome R Hoffman MA MD. Professor Emeritus of Medicine. UCLA School of Medicine.
  • Michael S Wilkes Professor of Medicine and Global Health. UC Davis School of Medicine. Sacramento, USA.




Imagine um exame de rastreamento (hipotético) que se realizado em uma população de médio
risco salvasse uma pessoa de morrer de câncer em cada 10.000 pessoas rastreadas. Imagine também que cada uma dessas 10 mil pessoas pague um preço em termos de tempo e dinheiro gastos, bem como os desconfortos que ocorrerão em algumas, ou mesmo em muitas delas, e que elas também terão que lidar com o aumento da ansiedade, repetição dos testes, biópsias e, em alguns casos, cirurgias. Por fim, algumas terão efeitos adversos graves, tais como infecção ou falência de órgãos.


Não há dados estatísticos.


Carregando Métricas ...

Biografia do Autor

Jerome R Hoffman, MA MD. Professor Emeritus of Medicine. UCLA School of Medicine.

Dr. Hoffman is Professor of Medicine / Emergency Medicine at UCLA, where he has been on the full-time faculty since 1979. Dr. Hoffman received his BA from Princeton University, and has advanced degrees from Columbia University and the University of California. He has directed the UCLA Doctoring Program since the early 1990s, and his research focuses on Health Services Research and Clinical Decision Making, as well as in areas related to Medical Education.

Michael S Wilkes, Professor of Medicine and Global Health. UC Davis School of Medicine. Sacramento, USA.

Michael Wilkes is widely known for his efforts to introduce medical students to the humanistic side of being a physician, and for working tirelessly to include the public health and social sciences as part of training physicians. During his tenure as Vice Dean of the Medical School he lead the way toward enormous changes in medical education at UC Davis including the rural prime program, the college system of mentoring, a new education building, and a dramatic shift away from lectures toward small group and interactive learning. Wilkes introduced UC Davis' "Doctoring" curriculum, a series of classes and seminars for all four years of medical school. Topics within the curriculum include doctor- patient communication, clinical reasoning and end-of-life care, to name but a few. Dr. Wilkes has extensive experience in the development, management, and evaluation of eLearning technologies. In his current capacity as Director of Global Health he works locally with the UC Davis Vet and Nursing faculty and with medical and health sciences schools around the world as they seek to train the most capable health providers to address local health needs. He serves as a reviewer for many medical publications. He is the Director of the UC Davis Adolescent Clinic. 


Moynihan R, Doust J, Henry D. Preventing overdiagnosis: how to stop harming the healthy. BMJ. 2012 May 28;344:e3502. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.e3502



Como Citar

Hoffman JR, Wilkes MS. Não se limite a fazer algo, esteja lá. Rev Bras Med Fam Comunidade [Internet]. 24º de junho de 2015 [citado 11º de março de 2025];10(35):1-2. Disponível em: https://rbmfc.org.br/rbmfc/article/view/1051
