Ser residente em medicina de família na África em 2019

um retrato da sexta conferência WONCA África em Kampala


  • Nana Kwame Ayisi-Boateng School of Medicine and Dentistry, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana
  • Enwongo Ettang Walter Sisulu University / Mthatha Regional Hospital
  • Moyosore Taiwo Makinde Lagos State University Teaching Hospital, Afriwon Renaissance
  • Yolanda Marcelino Family Medicine Resident in Mozambique
  • Matifary Carolyne Robai Agakhan University Hospital Nairobi
  • Mohamed Umer Worseme District Hospital
  • Prince Kabamba Yaka Vanga Hospital
  • Molly Whalen-Browne University of Calgary / University of Alberta
  • Clayton Dyck University of British Columbia
  • Adelson Guaraci Jantsch Secretaria Municipal de Saúde do Rio de Janeiro (SMS-RJ)



Medicina de Família, Educação Médica, Internato e Residência.


Formar novos médicos de família é um desafio em qualquer cenário e muitas variáveis podem influenciar o sucesso ou o fracasso de um programa de residência. Este artigo é o resultado final de um trabalho colaborativo iniciado em junho de 2019, na Conferência Regional WONCA África em Kampala, Uganda, durante um workshop liderado pelo Centro Besrour do Colégio Canadense de Medicina de Família. Apresentamos aqui a perspectiva de um pequeno grupo de jovens médicos de família africanos sobre a experiência de ser residente em medicina de família na África em 2019, esperando que a imagem que representamos aqui ajude a promover as melhorias necessárias nos programas de residência na África em um futuro próximo.


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Biografia do Autor

Nana Kwame Ayisi-Boateng, School of Medicine and Dentistry, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana

Family Physician and a Lecturer of undergraduate medical students at the School of Medicine and Dentistry, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana. A fellow of the Ghana College of Physicians and Surgeons involved in training of postgraduate Family Medicine Residents. Passionate about global health and capacity-building of primary healthcare workers. Currently he is the Chair of AfriWon Renaissance, the young doctors movement of the WONCA Africa Region.

Enwongo Ettang, Walter Sisulu University / Mthatha Regional Hospital

Is a final year registrar in the department of Family & Rural Medicine at Walter Sisulu University and Mthatha Regional Hospital in South Africa. His roles include being a supporter to the clinical team, facilitating, as well as supervising the training of undergraduate medical students and clinical associate students as their workplace-based clinician educator. He also serves as an Outreach Physician to a local clinic (Primary Health Centre) where he visits weekly and does occasional home visits - as well as being on call for clinical advice to the team working there. He also serves as the Image Theme Lead of AfriWon which is the Young Doctors Movement for WONCA Africa (AfriWon Renaissance). Currently, his special interests lie in rural health, telemedicine and health professionals education.

Moyosore Taiwo Makinde, Lagos State University Teaching Hospital, Afriwon Renaissance

Is a Consultant Family Physician and trainer at the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria. She has special interests in Women's Health, Chronic disease management and Lifestyle Medicine. She is a diplomate of the International Board of Lifestyle Medicine (IBLM) and the Education secretary for the Society of Lifestyle Medicine of Nigeria. She also serves as the AfriWon secretary for the Young Doctors Movement for WONCA Africa (AfriWon Renaissance). She is also part of a geriatric mission that cares for the vulnerable and elderly.

Yolanda Marcelino, Family Medicine Resident in Mozambique

Family medicine resident in Mozambique.

Matifary Carolyne Robai, Agakhan University Hospital Nairobi

Is a young family physician who graduated recently with a passion for emergency medicine. Member of KAFP, young doctors movement and Afriwon

Mohamed Umer Worseme, District Hospital

A family medicine resident from Somaliland. I am in 3rd year and the chief resident of our program in a district hospital.

Prince Kabamba Yaka, Vanga Hospital

Is a Resident in training of the Protestant University of DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo) since 1 year. I perform my residence in a rural area, at Vanga Hospital, a teaching and evangelical hospital, localized in Kwilu province.

Molly Whalen-Browne, University of Calgary / University of Alberta

Is a family physician who works in rural and remote communities in the Northwest Territories. She is passionate about women's health, refugee health and medical education. She has completed Enhanced Skills training in Women's Health at the University of British Columbia, as well as Diploma in Tropical Medicine & Hygiene at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and a Master's of Science in Global Health at McMaster University. She is the Domain Lead for Vulnerable and Underserved Populations for the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Calgary and also teaches at the University of Alberta. Dr. Whalen-Browne is a member of the CFPC Besrour Centre where she works to support advancing primary care around the world.

Clayton Dyck, University of British Columbia

Is a family physician based in Vancouver, Canada and the Medical Education and Training Lead for the Besrour Centre for Global Family Medicine at the College of Family Physicians of Canada.  He is a Clinical Associate Professor with the Department of Family Practice at the University of British Columbia and also maintains a clinical family practice focused on community-based care of the elderly.

Adelson Guaraci Jantsch, Secretaria Municipal de Saúde do Rio de Janeiro (SMS-RJ)

Brazilian family physician from Curitiba, with a medical degree from the Universidade Federal do Paraná. Currently Dr. Jantsch is member of the CFPC Besrour Centre and is finishing his PhD where he is analyzing the investments made in training in Family Medicine during the PHC Reform in Rio de Janeiro. 


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Como Citar

Ayisi-Boateng NK, Ettang E, Makinde MT, Marcelino Y, Robai MC, Worseme MU, et al. Ser residente em medicina de família na África em 2019: um retrato da sexta conferência WONCA África em Kampala. Rev Bras Med Fam Comunidade [Internet]. 24º de junho de 2020 [citado 25º de março de 2025];15(42):2416. Disponível em:



