Strengthening the teaching-learning process of Family and Community Medicine in Iberoamerica


  • Fernando Coppolillo
  • Humberto Jure
  • Maria Beatriz Ciuffolini
  • Diana Yuruhán



Family and Community Medicine . Teaching Learning Process . University teaching . Specialization . Permanent Education Service


The teaching-learning process in Family and Community Medicine is analyzed from the perspective of the
professional cycle stages: the formation of university degree, specialization in graduate school and finally the permanent education service. For each of these stages the dimensions of the content and clinical abilities to be developed, the stage of the teaching-learning process and skills of teachers for each of them are analyzed. This analysis allows to guide the overall strengthening of specialists in family and community medicine with clinical practice of high quality, person-centered, family-oriented and community-based.


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How to Cite

Coppolillo F, Jure H, Ciuffolini MB, Yuruhán D. Strengthening the teaching-learning process of Family and Community Medicine in Iberoamerica. Rev Bras Med Fam Comunidade [Internet]. 2016 Oct. 29 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];11:46-54. Available from:
