Urban health, environment, and inequalities
Urban Health, Environment, Health InequalitiesAbstract
The psychosocial, economic, and physical environment where we were born, and now are growing, living, working, and reproducing affect health and longevity as much as do smoking, exercise, and diet. Individual attention to health is not enough to prevent or control the effects of bad environmental conditions. Historical and current evidence show that a decline in the health condition of the poorest is associated with rapid urbanization. Population aging in an urban environment of social inequalities is expected to make the health situation of the poorest even worse, resulting in more human suffering and economic losses for the country. Based on these observations, a group of professors from the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) organized themselves, through an extension program, to contribute on the discussion and national initiatives of intervention in urban health. The group’s projects are comprised of: discussions about the potential impact of private initiatives and sector public policies (housing, sanitation, transportation, education, technological innovation, environmental sustainability, and so on) on urban health; the production and dissemination of information about social and environmental determinants of health; the production and dissemination of new indicators of inequality as determinants of health; human resources development; and the participation in social networks. The public presentation of this project satisfies the objective of initiating the group’s contribution to this discussion.
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