Low back pain and common mental disorders in Family Health Strategy: an association little recognized


  • Janete Alves Araujo Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro-UERJ
  • Mônica Rodrigues Campos Fundação Oswaldo Cruz - FIOCRUZ
  • Marcos Vinícius Ferreira dos Santos Fundação Oswaldo Cruz - FIOCRUZ
  • Daniel Almeida Gonçalves Universidade Federal de São Paulo
  • Jair de Jesus Mari Universidade Federal de São Paulo
  • Luis Fernando Tófoli Universidade Estadual de Campinas
  • Dinarte Ballester Sistema de Saúde Mãe de Deus
  • Sandra Fortes Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - UERJ




Low Back Pain, Primary Health Care, Depression, Anxiety, Somatoform Disorders


Objective: To describe the demographic profile of the patients assisted in the Family Health Strategy of four Brazilian capitals (Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Porto Alegre and Fortaleza) with low back pain and investigate the association between low back pain and depression, anxiety and somatization. Methods: Cross-sectional study with 1857 patients served in the years 2009 (September to November) and 2010 (June to August). Instruments: Screening of somatization (SOMS-2), evaluation of anxiety and depression (HAD), General Questionnaire of the Patient, for sociodemographic data and the Form of the Professional Assistant, with the information regarding the consultations. The low back pain was analyzed from the frequency of three different forms of presentation: auto reference complaint by the patient, symptom recorded by the doctor and diagnosis of backache confirmed by the doctor. Results: 77.3% were women with more than four years of study and per capita income less than a minimum wage and a half. We found significant association of low back pain complaints with anxiety (OR=1.5, 95% IC 1,02-2,16) and somatization (OR=1.8, 95% IC 1,12-2,88) but not with depression. Patients who complained of low back pain, but there was no record of the symptom by the doctor, presented even stronger associations with anxiety (OR=1.6, 95% IC 1,03-2,63) and somatization (OR=2.3, 95% IC 1,33-3,99). Confirmation of the diagnosis of low back pain by the doctor has not been associated significantly with any disorder. Conclusion: Considering low back pain as one of the most prevalence complaints in Primary Care and its significant association with anxiety and Somatization, it is recommended to approach anxiety and somatization in patients with a complaint of low back pain.


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Author Biographies

Janete Alves Araujo, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro-UERJ

Faculdade de Ciências Médicas - Programa de Pós Graduação em Ciências Médicas-PGCM

Mônica Rodrigues Campos, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz - FIOCRUZ

Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública - ENSP

Marcos Vinícius Ferreira dos Santos, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz - FIOCRUZ

Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública - ENSP

Daniel Almeida Gonçalves, Universidade Federal de São Paulo

Departamento de Medicina

Jair de Jesus Mari, Universidade Federal de São Paulo

Departamento de Medicina

Luis Fernando Tófoli, Universidade Estadual de Campinas

Faculdade de Ciências Médicas

Dinarte Ballester, Sistema de Saúde Mãe de Deus

Gerência dos Serviços de Saúde Mental

Sandra Fortes, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - UERJ

Faculdade de Ciências Médicas


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How to Cite

Araujo JA, Campos MR, Santos MVF dos, Gonçalves DA, Mari J de J, Tófoli LF, Ballester D, Fortes S. Low back pain and common mental disorders in Family Health Strategy: an association little recognized. Rev Bras Med Fam Comunidade [Internet]. 2018 Sep. 17 [cited 2025 Jan. 15];13(40):1-14. Available from: https://rbmfc.org.br/rbmfc/article/view/1740



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