Burnout Syndrome in Family Health Strategy Physicians in Montes Claros, MG, and Associated Factors
Burnout, Professional, Family Health, Primary Health Care, Quality of Life, Occupational HealthAbstract
Objective: The study aimed to investigate the prevalence of Burnout syndrome in physicians of the Family Heath Strategy at Montes Claros, MG, and the association with work stress, effort-reward imbalance and quality of life. Methods: Epidemiologic, quantitative, web-based, analytical and cross-sectional research. The self-administered questionnaire Maslach Burnout Inventory was applied to 89 physicians to diagnose the syndrome. The physicians also provided sociodemographic data and responded the Job Stress Scale, the Imbalance-Effort-Reward scale and the WHOQOL-BREF for identification of work conditions. The categoric variables were analyzed by frequency distribution. The association between variables of risk factors and the presence of Burnout syndrome was tested by the Pearson’s chi-square test. Results: 100% of the physicians evaluated exhibited moderate Burnout syndrome. The scores for the Exhaustion and Depersonalization dimensions, which are components of the inventory for Burnout Syndrome assessment, were positively correlated with high psychological and professional demands, high strain and effort, excess commitment to the job and imbalanced effort-reward ratio. They were also associated with attributes of quality of life such as poor physical, social and environmental conditions. Conclusion: Preventive and intervention actions are required to decrease work-related stress of the evaluated physicians, thereby decreasing Burnout syndrome prevalence.
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