Quaternary prevention: how to do, how to teach


  • Marina Almenas
  • Esteban Cordero Hidalgo
  • Carlos Andrés Pineda
  • Eliasin Muñoz
  • María de Lourdes Rojas Armadillo
  • Elizabeth Salvatierra
  • Gisela Galindo
  • Carmen Cabezas




Quaternary Prevention, Teaching, Training, Overdiagnosis, Overmedication, Overtreatment, Family Medicine


Quaternary prevention or P4 is defined as any action taken to diminish the effects of unnecessary interventions generated when people interact with a health system. Methodology.The general objective was to develop a strategy to promote and spread P4 in Iberoamerica; to fulfill this goal a literature research was carried out, on the concepts related to P4; an exploratory survey was applied to inquire about the knowledge of the participates in the Summit and Congress, regarding P4 Results. There multiple literature sources that define the terms related to P4, which facilitated its delimitation. Regarding the survey, 69% knew about P4 and more that 50% declared that they where informed about the concepts related to P4; 92% considered that P4 is not only limited to family medicine; 15% assured that after the VI Summit publication regarding P4 where published in their countries; less than 20% stated that politicians knew about P4; 27% affirmed that family medicine doctors educate their patients about P4 Conclusions. It is recommended to expand the educational campaigns about P4; facilitate the access to information about P4 for professionals in the health field; include P4 in the academic programs of health professional for both graduate and post-graduate students; create alliances with political entities of each country to include P4 in public health policies.


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How to Cite

Almenas M, Hidalgo EC, Pineda CA, Muñoz E, Armadillo M de LR, Salvatierra E, Galindo G, Cabezas C. Quaternary prevention: how to do, how to teach. Rev Bras Med Fam Comunidade [Internet]. 2018 Sep. 18 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];13(1):69-83. Available from: https://rbmfc.org.br/rbmfc/article/view/1853
