Shared care for people living with HIV/AIDS in primary care
results of decentralization in Florianopolis
HIV, Primary Health Care, Referral and Consultation.Abstract
Introduction: In order to institute actions to prevent and reduce transmission, improve access to treatment and a better quality of life for people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHA), between 2015 and 2016, the municipal health department of Florianopolis implemented a new form of support in Infectology for Primary Health Care (PHC). Objective: Describe the results found in the municipality in the process of decentralization and shared care for people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHIV) with the PHC in Florianopolis. Methods: This is an observational, cross-sectional and descriptive study. The data were obtained from reports from the local electronic medical record and from a structured questionnaire applied to PHC physicians from Florianopolis. Results: Between 2014 and 2018, the number of PHC attendances related to PLHA care increased significantly, especially after 2016, accompanied by a 45.7% reduction of referrals to infectology after the implementation of the matrix support in Infectology. Allied to this reduction, the ability to prescribe antiretroviral therapy (ART) was evidenced by 100% of the PHC physicians interviewed. Regarding the situation of follow-up of PLHA exclusively under PHC care, a statistically significant difference was found between doctors who teach preceptorship in undergraduate and residency education, those who are residents or have specific training in family and community medicine (FCM) in relation to physicians without specific training. The proportion of physicians who feel safe and confident in performing this type of care in PHC was also significantly higher among physicians who do preceptorship and are family and community physicians. Conclusion: The implantation of the Infectology Matrix Support for PHC brought great changes to the municipality of Florianopolis regarding the access and qualification of the care of people living with HIV / AIDS. The results were more significant for professionals involved in activities of preceptorship and specific training in FCM, which reinforces the role of permanent education in the qualification of the coordination of care by PHC.
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