Elaboration and validation of clonazepam deprescribing protocol for the elderly
Protocols, Deprescriptions, Clonazepam, Aged, GeriatricsAbstract
Introduction: Some physiological changes that occur in the elderly individual favor the accumulation and intoxication by drugs. Among these, we can mention the class of benzodiazepines, medicines which, although widely prescribed mainly for the treatment of sleep disorders and anxiety, are considered potentially inappropriate for use in the elderly. Therefore, the elaboration of protocols for the deprescribing of those drugs is a necessary strategy in the management of the care of geriatric patient. Objective: To elaborate and validate a protocol for the Deprescribing of clonazepam for the elderly who use this medication for anxiety or insomnia. Methods: Methodological study, developed in two stages — elaboration and validation of the protocol of deprescribing of clonazepam for elderly people who use this medication for anxiety or insomnia, except those who meet the exclusion criteria. The elaboration of the protocol resulted in three products: a flowchart of deprescribing, a leaflet of sleep hygiene, and a leaflet containing the benefits of the clonazepam Deprescribing under medical supervision. The validation of the protocol was performed by medical specialists, through the Delphi Technique. In addition to the specialists, individuals of both sexes, aged 60 years or more who did not use clonazepam, took part in the validation of the leaflets. Based on the results obtained, the agreement of the evaluation was analyzed using the Content Validity Coefficient (CVC), since this tool aims to measure the degree of agreement of the judges participating in the validation process. Results: The flowchart was considered validated after the second round of evaluation, since all items assessed had a CVC equal to or greater than 0.8 in this round. The leaflets were considered validated in the first evaluation round, since all items also obtained CVC greater than 0.8 during this round. Conclusion: Considering the results obtained, the protocol presents itself as an important tool in guiding medical conduct in the process of Deprescribing of clonazepam
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