Media and health

the coverage of 2019 measles epidemic in Brazil




Communications Media, Primary Health Care, Measles, Vaccination.


Introduction: The media is an important element in the construction of meanings about health events, influencing beliefs and popular opinion formation, having a special role in epidemic processes. In the current epidemiological scenario in Brazil, which is experiencing measles recrudescence, reintroduced in 2018, Primary Health Care (PHC) professionals must be instrumentalised in the meanings that are being constructed by communication vehicles. Objective: To evaluate the media content that is being produced about the current epidemiological scenario of measles in Brazil, observing which senses are being constructed and critically analyzing them, drawing a parallel with the role that PHC plays in this scenario, especially with regard to Health education. Methods: This is a qualitative, exploratory research, in which two searches were performed through the Google News online search tool. We searched for the term ‘measles’ and the terms ‘measles’ and ‘autism’. The first 50 results were cataloged, and the inclusion criteria were news. Content analysis was initially used for categorization and inference, but it was necessary to use discourse analysis instruments to deepen some subjectivities found. Results: The search returned results from the five regions of the country, all with a pro-vaccine stance. Primary Health Care was cited in virtually all results found, which emphasized the availability of the vaccine free of charge at this level of attention. The three thematic areas found from the analysis of the material were: “gravity, sequelae and death: the production of the sense of fear”; “Vaccination, measures and actions”; and “justifications for the drop in immunization coverage, individual accountability and setting of the scenario for the anti-vaccine movement”. Conclusion: It is concluded that the current epidemiological scenario of measles has been viewed as unicausal, which needs to be reviewed for government campaigns and Family Health Team actions to become more effective. The strategy of convincing by fear or obedience is ineffective. Little or nothing is discussed about the recent dismantling policies of the Unified Health System, which have a direct impact on the coverage of the Family Health Strategy. Also little has been discussed about access issues. Understanding this scenario from a multifaceted perspective and contextualized to the socio-cultural and historical moment is the central point for the success of the outcome.


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Author Biography

Camila Carvalho de Souza Amorim Matos, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC)

Médica de Família e Comunidade. Professora Efetiva do Departamento de Ciências da Saúde da UFSC Campus Araranguá.


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How to Cite

Matos CC de SA. Media and health: the coverage of 2019 measles epidemic in Brazil. Rev Bras Med Fam Comunidade [Internet]. 2020 May 10 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];15(42):2211. Available from:



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