Family planning: profile of users in a health unit in Curitiba
Family Planning (Public Health), Pregnancy, Health EducationAbstract
This study aimed at verifying the profile of reproductive and family planning and the tools used by reproductive age women to conception and contraception, indicating the importance of educational activities related to the subject. Data collection on sexual and reproductive pattern was conducted through a questionnaire with 14 questions developed and applied from October to December 2007 to 355 women 15-49 years-old from a health unit’s area in Curitiba. It was observed, among sexually active women, that 33.8% used the pill (two thirds are under 30 years-old), 25.1% had undergone tubal ligation (almost 90% were at least 30 years-old), 9.5% used injectable contraception, only 10.5% used condoms, and the others had partners who had undergone vasectomy, used intrauterine device or followed the rhythm method. 9.8% denied using any method and 79.8% did not use condoms. In addition, 40.5% of sexually active teens used condoms. The greatest source of learning about contraceptives are doctors or nurses (38.3%), and concerning family planning are their relatives (20.8%), while 29% answered that nobody taught them about it. Around three quarters of respondents would have up to two children and 48.7% had two children. From the probable sum of all pregnancies, 31.7% were declared planned, less than what was expected. The first pregnancy was the champion of planning (36.7%), of which 71% occurred in adulthood, followed by the second (32.5% planned). More than a third did not plan any pregnancy, 37.5% of women did not have more pregnancies than they desired. The estimated average of menarche was 12.9 years-old and 17% reported first intercourse at 14 years-old. Of those who became pregnant and with a history of contraceptive use, over a quarter began contraceptive use only after the first pregnancy. Low-education level was related to more pregnancies than the desired number of children. Knowledge of family planning is not well-distributed to the population, and the percentage of planned pregnancies is considered low and lower than expected. The proposal is to invest in guidelines and health activities about Family Planning for people since ten years-old to ensure individuals’ learning and informed choice of couples in favor of their own family.
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