Doctor patient relationship and training of new doctors: experiences as an inpatient analysis
Physician-Patient Relations, Students, Medical, Education MedicalAbstract
Teaching Physician Patient Relationship is a valuable strategy to promote the meeting of fundamental values to a doctor, and overcome the mismatch of Medicine with its essence. The creation of opportunities for developing communication skills and promotion of empathy is essential for medical education, both in the setting of primary care to the patient, on family and community medicine, as well as in hospitals. The main objective of this study is to unveil the perceptions of medical students of Medical School of Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina, about the Hospital Experience as an Inpatient, practical activity on the discipline called Physician-patient Relationship, where the students spent one day hospitalized in their own School Hospital, in a practical way to learn how to be a patient. The method used was the analysis of the hospitalization reports, both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The research instrument was the hospitalization reports. The sample was 225 reports. After the process of reading and coding of key words, and counting the frequency with which these words were repeated, the results could be grouped into major categories of meanings that coincide with the major themes that emerged after the process of reading and analysis. The categories are: symptoms, feelings, and interactions with other patients, interactions with the hospital school, empathy, experience evaluation and the “student-patients”. The activity may be an important tool for the integration of theory and practice during the teaching of communication skills and interpersonal relationships between doctors and patients.
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