Acupuncture and Primary Health Care: analysis of users’ needs and network integration
Acupuncture, Primary Health Care, Complementary Therapies, Unified Health SystemAbstract
The introduction of integrative and complementary practices into Brazil’s Unified Health System brings back the discussion on health reform in Brazil. After the approval of the National Policy on Integrative and Complementary Practices, in 2006, acupuncture has been more present in public health services as a tool for multidisciplinary practices. Grupo Hospitalar Conceição, in the North side of Porto Alegre, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, has a Community Health Service, which makes use of the city’s appointment center to offer its users acupuncture services. This study aimed at exploring the references for acupuncture practices in this environment. It was a descriptive study with quantitative approach. The data collection sources were the reference and counter-reference forms with referrals to acupuncture in the Community Health Service. The results showed that women and people over 50 years-old are more frequently referred to acupuncture; it also highlighted long wait lists, with significant differences in terms of length of the waiting among the health units. The study has also confirmed the initial hypothesis that pain is the main reason for referring patients to acupuncture, supporting the Western way of conceiving of health and diagnoses.Downloads
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