Environmental education as Primary Health Care strategy
Environmental Health, Diagnosis of Health Situation in Specific Groups, Disease PreventionAbstract
Environmental education should not only discuss the physical environment, but also contextualise the local health care with emphasis on the disease prevention and management of environmental factors detrimental to health. Objective: This paper aims highlight the strategic importance of environmental education for the work in Primary Health Care in an isolated small urban center in the city of Uberaba. Method: Socio-environmental diagnosis was made in the period of August/2009 January/2010 through the application of semi-structured questionnaire for quantitative and qualitative research on health, environment and social development. Based on the results of the diagnosis, were prepared activities involving meetings, lectures and cultural events that discussed the problems in diagnosis. The assessment of efficacy was performed by verifying community action that arose after the activities. Results: Obtained the mobilization of the Municipal Health on the quality of drinking water and the community mobilization for organization and dealing with problems experienced related to education, health care and community representation. These actions are not due exclusively to the work carried out education, but were motivated and encouraged by it. Conclusion: It appears that environmental education is a viable strategy for Primary Health Care to may have community outreach and working environmental issues that affect the health status of people.
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