Hospitalizations due to ambulatory care sensitive conditions in the municipality of Gramado, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil




Primary health care, Delivery of Health Care, Hospitalization, Family health.


Introduction: Primary Health Care is responsible for coordinating care and providing continuous care for the population under its responsibility. Due to its proximity and connection with the community and knowledge of the territory’s main problems, the Family Health Strategy presents greater problem-solving capacity of health demands, thus reducing the burden on medium- and high-complexity services. To assess whether Primary Health Care has performed its role with effectiveness and quality, instruments capable of verifying this situation in a simple and concise way are necessary. One of them is the Hospitalizations due to Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions. Objective: To analyze the reasons for hospitalization due to ambulatory care sensitive conditions in Gramado, state of Rio Grande do Sul – Brazil, from 2015 to 2021. Methods: Ecological time series study, with a quantitative approach and descriptive characteristic. Data were collected from the Hospital Information System from SUS and the Brazilian List of Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions package program was used in the R program, which converts the data of all hospitalizations by municipality of reference through the Inpatient Hospital Authorization. For data analysis, the research was divided into two axes: clinical-epidemiological and demographic aspects. The causes of hospitalizations due to ambulatory care sensitive conditions were based on the list of the Brazilian Ministry of Health. Results: Hospitalizations due to ambulatory care sensitive conditions accounted for 22% (14,083) of the total number of hospitalizations in the city of Gramado. There were more hospitalizations of women (54.1%) compared with men (45.9%). The three main groups with the highest percentage of hospitalization due to ambulatory care sensitive conditions were pulmonary diseases (18.4%), followed by heart failure (17.6%), and kidney and urinary tract infection (14.7%). The age group with the highest prevalence was users aged 60 years or older (57.6%), followed by those aged 20 to 59 years (30.7%), and 0 to 4 years (6.7%). Conclusions: The results of the behavior of hospitalizations in Gramado in the analyzed years point to a reduction in their proportion in relation to the total number of hospitalizations in the city, but when evaluating the standardized rates by sex and city population, these rates are stable throughout the assessed years


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Author Biography

Claunara Schilling Mendonça, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul – Porto Alegre (RS), Brasil

Médica de Família e Comunidade. Doutora em Epidemiologia pelo PPGEPID/UFRGS.


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How to Cite

Zirr G de M, Mendonça CS. Hospitalizations due to ambulatory care sensitive conditions in the municipality of Gramado, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Rev Bras Med Fam Comunidade [Internet]. 2023 May 24 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];18(45):3530. Available from:



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