Environmental Health Perceptions from a Basic Health Unit





Environmental health, Primary health care, Unified Health System, Workflow.


Introduction: Environmental Health is a field of research that evaluates the interdependence between ecosystems and the health of human civilization, but its knowledge is not widespread amongst health professionals, including among the curricula of residency programs. Objective: This paper aimed to assess knowledge and perceptions about the theme “Environmental Health” among health professionals at Basic Health Unit (Unidade Básica de Saúde – UBS) 01 in Candangolandia, Distrito Federal, Brazil. Methods: A qualitative approach was chosen, through application of semi-structured interviews and content analysis using both Bardin’s methodology and N-VIVO software. This article was based on a residency conclusion paper from a Family Medicine training program. Results: Throughout the research, it was observed that there is a lack of knowledge about the topic Planetary Health among the professionals interviewed. There is also a perspective of detachment from the natural environment and, to a certain extent, a utilitarian view of nature. In addition, a disconnection between theory and practice was observed as the interviewees recognize, in theory, that impacts on natural systems also have consequences on human health, but none of them consider such repercussions in their daily workflow. The participants realized that they could work in the community, with regard to environmental health, especially through education. Conclusions: Thus, the increasing advent of diseases related to the environment reinforces the urgency of health professionals, users and health care managers to incorporate the theme of planetary health into their practices.


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Author Biographies

Felipe Oliveira Machado, Secretaria de Saúde do Distrito Federal

Médico pela Universidade de Brasília. Especialista em Medicina de Família e Comunidade pela Escola Superior de Ciências da Saúde do Distrito Federal (ESCS/FEPECS). Atualmente é Médico de Família e Comunidade da Secretaria de Saúde do Distrito Federal.

Conflito de interesses: Declara não haver.


Carolina Lopes de Lima Reigada , Secretaria de Saúde do Distrito Federal

Médica pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ (2011)

Residência em Medicina de Família e Comunidade pela UFRJ (2014), mestrado em Atenção Primária à Saúde pela UFRJ (2017). Atualmente é médica de família e comunidade pela secretaria de Saúde do Distrito Federal e preceptora da Residência em Medicina de Família e Comunidade da Escola Superior de Ciências da Saúde (ESCS).

Conflito de interesses: Declara não haver.



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How to Cite

Machado FO, Reigada CL de L. Environmental Health Perceptions from a Basic Health Unit . Rev Bras Med Fam Comunidade [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 5 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];18(45):3842. Available from: https://rbmfc.org.br/rbmfc/article/view/3842



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