Potentialities of the Team Meeting in the territory

an experience report of a Family Practice resident in Rio de Janeiro





Primary Health Care, Family health strategies, Social participation, Empowerment for health, Health services accessibility.


The Family Health Strategy (FHS), a robust model of Primary Health Care (PHC) created in Brazil, seeks to expand the bond between the health team and people, families, and respective communities, as well as to increase the problem-solving capacity of most common health conditions causing a significant impact on the health situation at the local level. In this scenario, teamwork is a fundamental element for the production of health care guided by the attributes of the FHS. In this perspective, it is essential to periodically hold meetings of the respective teams with the aim of implementing a participatory planning process based on reflection and discussion of existing challenges and outlining actions to be developed both at the individual and community levels. Team meetings should, therefore, involve the group of professionals that compose it, with the aim of both evaluating the actions carried out and planning and organizing the work process itself. This Residency Completion work intends to report the experience of a Family Practice Resident in team meetings, with the participation of users, in the territory of a family practice in Rio de Janeiro. This is a qualitative study based on the experience report of meetings of a Family Health team scheduled with the community, considering the perception of the author and the respective team. Finally, it is understood that when promoting team meetings in the territory guided by an underlying logic of the Family Health Strategy, it is essential to value Popular Education in Health, especially because such participation proves to be, in fact, a social force capable of dialoguing with the professional team on problems and priorities in an equitable, democratic, and participatory manner.


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How to Cite

De Macedo JFS, Oliveira PR de. Potentialities of the Team Meeting in the territory: an experience report of a Family Practice resident in Rio de Janeiro. Rev Bras Med Fam Comunidade [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 14 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];18(45):3878. Available from: https://rbmfc.org.br/rbmfc/article/view/3878



Especial Residência Médica
