The role of primary health care in coping with socio-environmental disasters
a case study in Petropolis – RJ
Disaster response, Primary Health Care, Medical residency.Abstract
The municipality of Petrópolis, in the state of Rio de Janeiro, faced its largest disaster in February 2022, resulting in 244 deaths and thousands displaced. Disasters like this are defined as serious disruptions that exceed the affected community's capacity to cope with the situation using its own resources. Vulnerability to disasters results from precarious social processes and environmental changes that make certain populations and areas more susceptible. The effects on public health include both material and human damages, with health demands emerging over time, ranging from emergency care to mental health issues. Primary Health Care (PHC) plays a crucial role in all phases of disaster response. This article aims to report the actions of the family health teams linked to the Family and Community Medicine Residency Program in response to the 2022 disaster, whether immediately attending to the injured, providing medications, conducting wound care procedures, vaccinations, and managing chronic conditions, or in the subsequent weeks marked by victim support, coordination of donations, and care in shelters. The coordinated action of PHC was essential to provide adequate health care and organize actions in shelters. The experience highlighted the importance of preparing health teams to deal with disasters and the need to include this topic in professional training in PHC.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Amanda Vieira dos Santos, Maria Gabriela Campos Gomes Terra, Rafael Aragão Ribeiro, Julia Barban Morelli Rosas

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