Development and professional qualification of general practice and family medicine in Germany


  • Markus Herrmann Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg Institut für Allgemeinmedizin
  • Ligia Giovanella Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública (ENSP/FIOCRUZ).



General Practice, Family Medicine, Human Resources Training, Primary Health Care


Objective: This article aims to analyze the professional and faculty development of general practice and family medicine (GP/FM) in Germany and discuss its facing challenges. Methods: It is a case study identifying characteristics and potential intervention tools, describing training and qualification requirements in family medicine in Germany. Results: The traditional caring role of GP in Germany has a long history, but GP has no gatekeeper function, which weakens its position in the system. In the past decades, GP has undergone several transformations; it is no longer a practice based on the traditional “Hausarzt” style. It has become a medical specialty of primary care with more modern foundations; it requires five years of practical training in internal medicine, paediatrics, surgery and general medicine, and it is governed by the Physician Chambers. In undergraduate education, courses in General Practice are mandatory. In recent years, the new curriculum requirements have led to an intense process of academic development with the creation of General Practice departments in 20 of the 36 public medical schools in the country. Conclusions: The process of professionalization and faculty development in GP/FM as well as the expansion of undergraduate training in the specialty aim to enhance the appeal of GP/FM to young doctors. This development strengthens academic research on GP/FM, which contributes to enhancing the institutional basis of GP/FM as a science, allowing bolder interaction and collaboration with other branches of medicine and real appreciation of this subject (GP/FM).


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Author Biographies

Markus Herrmann, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg Institut für Allgemeinmedizin

Diretor do Institut für Allgemeinmedizin
Medizinische (Medicina Geral e de Família) Fakultät
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Alemanha

Ligia Giovanella, Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública (ENSP/FIOCRUZ).

Pesquisadora titular do Nupes/DAPS/Ensp/Fiocruz, docente permanente do Programa de Pós-graduação em Saúde Pública da ENSP, atualmente realiza estágio sênior no exterior na Hochschule Fulda, Fachbereich Pflege und Gesundheit (Departamento de Ciências da Saúde e da Enfermagem), Alemanha, com apoio da Capes.


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How to Cite

Herrmann M, Giovanella L. Development and professional qualification of general practice and family medicine in Germany. Rev Bras Med Fam Comunidade [Internet]. 2013 Apr. 12 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];8(27):132-4. Available from:


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