Doctors’ and patients’ views of patients’ relationship with primary care practice services
Physician-Patient Relationships, Patient Satisfaction, Primary Care Practices, Health Services, Health CentersAbstract
Objective: the objective of this study was to discuss patients’ relationship with health services from the viewpoint of doctors and patients, considering the expectations of both parties and the subjectivity that permeates medical practice. Methods: data for this qualitative study were collected through structured interviews with doctors and patients from eight primary health care units in the city of Palmas, Tocantins. Results: the expectations of many patients were not satisfied due to problems in the relationships with their doctors. Generally, doctors overestimated clinical evolution and instituted treatment that was focused on the operational aspects of their work, whereas patients had more subjective expectations relating to psychosocial variables that were disregarded by the doctors. Conclusion: this study indicates that there is a need to establish conditions that promote good relationships between doctors and patients, and that this is essential to the patients’ full health recovery. The results also suggest that it is very important for medical schools to provide future health care professionals with skills to better deal with the human aspects of their practice.
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