Family and Community Medicine: a brief history, challenges, and perspectives in the view of undergraduate students
Family Practice, Primary Health Care, Unified Health System, Health Policy, Planning and ManagementAbstract
Family and Community Medicine (FCM) is grounded on principles that are directly linked to Primary Health Care (PHC), which is the basis of a system to optimize resources and health services. In this article, we analyze the current situation of FCM in the view of undergraduate medical students with a focus on PHC. We then present a brief account of the major historical events that guided the creation of this specialty in Brazil, such as conferences, medical residency programs, and the inception of the Unified Health System (SUS). Finally, we return to our present time to establish a connection between the initial proposals and the current context of health care, offering a critical view of these aspects. We seek to highlight the “Mais Médicos” programme and the “Programa de Valorização da Atenção Básica” (PROVAB), both recently launched by the Brazilian Federal Government, in order to corroborate the strategies outlined a few decades ago.
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