The didactics component of the Family and Community Medicine Residency Program of the Community Health Service of the Grupo Hospitalar Conceição, Porto Alegre, RS
Family Practice, Staff Development, Education, MedicalAbstract
The Brazilian Society of Family and Community Medicine, based on resolutions of the National Commission of Medical Residency, recommends that Family and Community Medicine Medical Residency Programs (FCMMRP) dedicate between 10% and 20% of their workload to didactics. It also highlights that, when designing the pedagogical process of these activities, adult learning must be considered, which occurs on the basis of the daily problems faced by them. The objective of the Family and Community Medicine Medical Residency Program of the Community Health Service of the Grupo Hospitalar Conceição (FCMMRP of CHS/GHC) is to form qualified and problem-solving physicians for Primary Health Care, with an integrative and continued practice, in multidisciplinary teams, inserted within the communities under their care. This paper introduces the Theoretical Core Program (TCP) of the FCMMRP of CHS/GHC, which is the section of the Didactics Program responsible, in this residency, for training in the aspects that are specific to Family and Community Medicine. This report aims to contribute with the methodological praxis of the didactic activities of the FCMMRP in Brazil. First the article introduces the Community Health Service of the Grupo Hospitalar Conceição, its Family and Community Medicine Medical Residency Program and the didactics component of this program. Next, the TCP is presented by means of its four constituent elements: guiding axis; thematic axis and its respective contents; pedagogical process; and evaluation.
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