Continuing Education in gerontology for community health agent
Health Systems, Health Education, Aging, GerontologyAbstract
Objective: to evaluate the effect of an education program in gerontology for community health agents. Methods: this intervention study (before and after comparison) included 111 community agents, lossy 25 (22.5%), from 12 family health centers from city in the state of São Paulo in 2012. Data were collected through a sociodemographic questionnaire, to determine the formal and informal contact of the elderly group with the community health agents, as well as through a questionnaire that evaluated gerontological knowledge (Questionnaire Palmore-Neri-Cachioni). Moreover, an education program in gerontology was conducted for community agents, including 90-minute sessions over a 5-day period, which focused on topics related to old age and aging. Data analysis was performed using the SAS version 9.2 for Windows. Results: young adults, female sex, married status, high school education, and activity for more than two and a half years were common characteristics associated with community agents. Most of the agents were in contact with the elderly, to cultivate of work and within the family, and reported to have experience in dealing with this age group. Moreover, more than half of the community agents reported to have participated in gerontological education. The questionnaire assessing the knowledge on gerontology, which was applied before, immediately after, and three months after the education program in gerontology indicated better responses among the community health agents immediately after and three months after the program, thus suggesting that education in gerontology is important among these individuals. Conclusion: promoting education in gerontology among community health agents is essential, as the knowledge provided can strengthen the role of health care staff and the population in caring for the elderly.
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