Family Approach: application of tools in a family from Montes Claros/MG
Family Relations, Family Health Strategy, Primary Health Care, Patient Care Team, Interdisciplinary CommunicationAbstract
Introduction: Family approach plays an essential role in primary healthcare and is considered useful and effective in working with families. Objective: To perform an intervention in a home covered by the ESF São Geraldo, Montes Claros/MG, based on the family-tools approach. Methods: We performed a literature review on the subject in the Virtual Health Library and then had eight meetings with the family to implement the following tools: Genogram, Lifecycle, FIRO, PRACTICE, and Family Conference. Results: The approach affected perception of family dynamics to clarify conflict situations that interfere with the health status of some of its members and establishment of agreements with the family to improve quality of life. Conclusion: The Family Approach allowed greater proximity between health staff and service users, including the emotional issues that interfere negatively with the clinical features of the index patient and his/her family. It was also possible to start a job focused on changing dysfunctional family behaviors.
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