The application of a guide for disease prevention by family physicians in a health centre of Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil
Disease Prevention, Family Health, Evaluation of Results of Preventive ActionsAbstract
In this study, we adapted a protocol for preventive measures containing primary and secondary prevention, comprising screening, counseling, vaccination and chemoprophylaxis with levels A and B of recommendation. This study was conducted in a Family Healthcare Unit where Family and Community Medicine residents are trained. Medical resident students were trained on the importance and use of prevention material (protocol and reminders) and their adherence was assessed by the completion of booklet reminders. During the one-year study period, 3995 consultations were held with 1596 patients. However, the record of at least one preventive measure was found in only 397 booklet reminders, which represents 25% of the population seen. The preventive measures found were screening (99%), counseling (90%), chemoprophylaxis (55%), and vaccination (45%). This protocol provides professionals with a set of preventive measures to be offered; however, other actions are needed so that preventive measures can be provided more effectively.Downloads
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