Benefits of groups in managing systemic arterial hypertension: perceptions of patients and physicians
Primary Health Care, Health Education, Hypertension, Self-Help GroupsAbstract
Objective: To investigate the nature of the benefits of using groups within primary care services to manage hypertension, from the point of view of both patients and physicians. Methods: A qualitative descriptive study using semi-structured interviews with patients and doctors attending distinct consolidated groups, which have been purposely selected and carried out in physician-patient pairs until reaching data saturation. The interviews were subjected to thematic analysis. Results and discussion: The analysis of the interviews showed benefits in four fields: health education, compliance, psychosocial support, and quality of life improvement. Health promoting effects were perceived by participants, although restricted to individual and community levels. Participation in groups attenuates the “behavioral inadequacy” of high-risk preventive strategy, according to Geoffrey Rose, based on current management of hypertension. It also improves and facilitates health professionals’ educational role, improving compliance and significantly increasing social support for patients. Conclusions: The use of groups for hypertensive patients can improve hypertension management and promote the health of those involved. These benefits can be amplified if management is conducted in a dialogical and participatory way.
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