Effects of deployment of the family health program in the city of araraquara: impacts and outlook


  • Augustus Tadeu Relo de Mattos
  • Maria do Carmo Gullaci Guimarães Caccia Bava



Palabras clave:

Family Health Program, Ealth indicator, Avaliation


This study objective to evaluate the unfoldings of the implantation of the Family Health Program in the municipality of Araraquara. We used primary sources (questionnaires with half-open questions to the coordinators of the teams) raising the difficulties and potentialities; and the impacts of this strategy in 5 health indicators of the Basic Attention: coefficients of infant mortality; neonatal mortality; tax of internment for complications of the Diabetes; tax of psychiatric internments and internments for all the causes. The results gotten in the units of the Family Health Program had been compared with the health indicators of the municipality, in the years of 1999 (period preimplantation) up to 2002. The health indicators pointed expressives improvements in the health of the population after the implantation of the program, representing concretely an efficient alternative with respect to reorientation of the basic assistance to the health. The capacities of this model had been recognized for the members of the teams. The raised difficulties, deserve careful investment for the municipal manager, and active participation of the teams and users for its overcoming and improvement of this strategy.


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Cómo citar

Mattos ATR de, Bava M do CGGC. Effects of deployment of the family health program in the city of araraquara: impacts and outlook. Rev Bras Med Fam Comunidade [Internet]. 17 de noviembre de 2004 [citado 3 de julio de 2024];1(1):36-44. Disponible en: https://rbmfc.org.br/rbmfc/article/view/11



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