Preceptorship in the Family Medicine Residence of Universidade de São Paulo: policies and experiences
Preceptorship, Internship and Residency, Family Practice, Primary Health Care, Education, MedicalAbstract
Introduction: The preceptorship activity within medical education has been globally established as a model for the teaching process in the area and there are several forms and experiences of organization. The Medical Residency Program in Family Medicine of Universidade de São Paulo presents an unusual model of preceptors, composed of preceptors of the medical residency program, each one with its own and complementary specificities. Objectives: Our goal in this experience report was to share the institutional policies and preceptory experiences in our medical residency program, as well as to point out the multiple adversities and possible forms of coping. Results: Achieving the level of excellence in developing the skills needed to train the Family Medicine specialist, in adverse situations of appreciation of the specialty and the teaching staff, is an arduous task. In this difficult challenge of conducting the Medical Residency Program and ensuring the development of quality skills, the role of the preceptor of the medical residency program and the resident’s tutor is crucial. Conclusion: Faced with the challenges pointed out, there is great wear and tear on the tutors, who voluntarily perform the teaching activities even when acting on welfare overload. The lack of recognition, scarcity of institutional support and administrative management are factors that hinder the better development and expansion of the residency program.
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