Primary Health Care breaking taboos

Memorial of the 1st SBMFC Seminar of Sexuality and Diversity




Gender, Sexuality, Family Practice, Primary Health Care


Academic production on sexuality and diversity has important gaps, and many series of clinical care series in which children are more science-driven, such as the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transvestite, transsexual, and intersex population (LGBTI). Thus, the foundation of the Working Group (WG) on Gender, Sexuality, Diversity and Rights, with the Brazilian Society of Family and Community Medicine (BSFCM), arises with the important objective of promoting studies and debates on gender and sexuality in order to promote rights, diversity and equity in Primary Health Care (PHC). As one of the activities of this WG, the I Seminar Sexuality and Diversity was conceived and prepared, with the theme “Primary Health Care Breaking Taboos”, which took place in São Paulo, between April 20 and 22, 2018. This text aims to present how the event was built, describing the spaces held and the participants’ impressions about the seminar. The program was elaborated from the search of the WG forums (e-mail groups, Facebook and WhatsApp), with the proposal of four axes for the activities: 1-Research/academic production, 2- Assistance/clinical subjects, 3- Medical education and 4-Representativeness and public votes. In all, there were 6 round tables, 6 workshops, 3 artistic performances and 1 cultural exhibition, with a participation of 202 people from 11 states. The WG achieved its goal with this seminar to produce knowledge and discuss sexuality and gender, focusing on Primary Care, with family and community doctors, health professionals and students. Considering that the demand for the Seminar was higher than expected and that the discussion of the topics does not end at an event, the intention is for the Seminar to become part of BSFCM’s regular agenda.


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Author Biographies

Renata Carneiro Vieira, Prefeitura Municipal do Rio de Janeiro

Consultório na Rua, CMS Oswaldo Cruz.

Débora Silva Teixeira, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Departamento de Medicina Integral, Familiar e Comunitária

Rita Borret, Prefeitura Municipal do Rio de Janeiro

Clínica da Família Anthídio Dias da Silveira

Denize Ornelas, Prefeitura de São Bernardo do Campo

Departamento de Atenção Básica, Secretaria Municipal de Saúde

Murilo Moura Sarno, Universidade São Caetano do Sul

Faculdade de Medicina Campus Bela Vista

Ademir Lopes Junior, Universidade Estadual de São Paulo

Faculdade de Medicina


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How to Cite

Vieira RC, Teixeira DS, Borret R, Ornelas D, Sarno MM, Junior AL. Primary Health Care breaking taboos: Memorial of the 1st SBMFC Seminar of Sexuality and Diversity. Rev Bras Med Fam Comunidade [Internet]. 2019 Dec. 31 [cited 2024 Dec. 21];14(41):1821. Available from:



Especial Diversidade e Direitos Humanos na APS
