Cross-cultural adaptation of the diabetic foot examination instrument in 3 minutes
Diabetes mellitus, Primary Health Care, Diabetic Foot, TranslationAbstract
Background: The “How to do a 3-minute diabetic foot exam”, developed by Armstrong et al., was designed to provide healthcare professionals with an in-depth, summarized, and easily applicable way to assess diabetic patients’ feet in Primary Health Care. Objective: To translate into Portuguese, adapt to the Brazilian cultural context, and test the measurement properties of this instrument. Methods: Following standard literature guidance, the instrument was translated into Portuguese, culturally adapted and tested for reproducibility, face validity, content, and construct. In the stages of cultural adaptation and validation, 30 health professionals and 60 patients, respectively, were interviewed. Results: The instrument was adapted to the linguistic and cultural context of the population maintaining all the essential characteristics of the original instrument in English and preserving the idiomatic, semantic, conceptual and cultural equivalences. All items of the instrument showed agreement calculated by the Content Validity Index (CVI) > 0.9. Cronbach’s α was 0.67. The interobserver Intraclass Correlation Coefficient was 0.73 (95% CI: 0.58-0.85) and intraobserver correlation was 0.65 (95% CI: 0.45-0.81), showing satisfactory reproducibility. The instrument and the monofilament test showed a positive correlation with statistical significance (ρ = 0.41; p <0.01). Conclusion: This work translated into Portuguese, adapted to the Brazilian cultural context, and tested the measurement properties of the American instrument: “How to do a 3-minute diabetic foot exam”.
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