Sheep in wolf's clothing

a case report




Leiomyomatosis, Multiple Pulmonary Nodules, Primary Health Care.


Introduction: When a patient has a medical appointment, they already have a pre-defined idea of their health problem. This idea is influenced by their previous experience, local culture and family support. Case Description: 48-year-old female, former smoker. She reveals a personal history of uterine leiomyoma excision 18 years ago. She turns to her doctor complaining of cough for the last four months. A chest computed tomography was ordered, in which nodular formations were identified, suggestive of metastasis. An urgent referral was made to a pulmonology consultation, where a biopsy was requested, which the patient refused to perform. After a family assessment, the patient realized that her previous life experience generated her fear. The patient ended up performing the biopsy that revealed a leiomyoma pattern. The diagnosis of benign metastatic leiomyomatosis secondary to uterine fibroid excision was made. Conclusion: The “illness” understood by patients will influence how they will manage their disease and their malaise. In the consultation there is a confrontation between the patient’s fears and the diagnostic uncertainties of the physician. In such cases, the family doctor should not assume a paternalistic position of decision, but should empower patients to make a conscious and informed choice.


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Author Biographies

Gonçalo Freire, Serviço de Radiologia, Hospital Beatriz Ângelo, Loures, Portugal.

Interno de 4ºAno de formação específica de Radiologia, Hospital Beatriz Ângelo, Loures

Ricardo Simões de Araújo, USF Descobertas, ACES Lisboa Ocidental e Oeiras, ARS Lisboa e Vale do Tejo, Portugal.

Interno de 4ºAno de formação específica de Medicina Geral e Familiar, USF Descobertas, ACES Lisboa Ocidental e Oeiras, ARS Lisboa e Vale do Tejo;


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How to Cite

Ribeiro AST, Freire G, Araújo RS de. Sheep in wolf’s clothing: a case report. Rev Bras Med Fam Comunidade [Internet]. 2020 Dec. 4 [cited 2025 Mar. 29];15(42):2645. Available from:



Clinical Cases
