Equally attendance of spontaneous dental care through characterization and implantation of the risk classification using colors, pain scale and longitudinal management of the clinic at Health Basic Unit Jardim das Palmas





Health Services Needs and Demand, Health Services Accessibility, Comprehensive Health Care ., Social Vulnerability Index.


Problem: The meaning of spontaneous health care is the seek for attendance because of patient’s autoperception or clinical intercurrence. Commonly, this gateway is used in an recurrent way by these same patients, overloading the health service without having their problems solved because. Methods: The aim of this cross-sectional, descriptive study was the elaboration of an instrument to characterize the profile of the patients that seeked for spontaneous dental care at UBS Jardim das Palmas, through the risk classification using colors, pain scale, clinical priority and systematize the care continuity of these patients in the primary attention. This spreadsheet was created in Excel, filled daily by the oral health professionals. Results: As results, we had the priorization of the urgent cases, construction of the spreadsheet with data of 3,640 patients that seeked for dental care from April 2016 to February 2018, and the risk classification for decays, periodontal, tissues, occlusion, and the vulnerability scale, for knowledge and later intervention in their social vulnerability. Through these classifications, the dentist’s agenda were readjusted so that the attendance of the urgent cases could really happen, by the increase of schedules for these urgent patients. Conclusion: The access to dental care for high social vulnerability and dental risk was established. Moreover, access to prevention groups for the low dental risks patients was given.


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How to Cite

Sanchez TP, Borchardt D, Tribis L. Equally attendance of spontaneous dental care through characterization and implantation of the risk classification using colors, pain scale and longitudinal management of the clinic at Health Basic Unit Jardim das Palmas. Rev Bras Med Fam Comunidade [Internet]. 2021 Nov. 10 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];16(43):2756. Available from: https://rbmfc.org.br/rbmfc/article/view/2756



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