Evaluation of a training for primary care professionals aiming at reducing stigma of mental disorders
Social stigma, Mental health, Primary Health Care.Abstract
Introduction: Stigma against people with mental disorders is present in society as a whole, including among health professionals, harming both social relationships of these individuals and the health care provided to them. Objective: To analyze how Health Education alters the stigma of professionals in Primary Health Care (PHC) on people with mental disorders. Methods: Experimental study with pre- and post-intervention evaluation approach, conducted in four PHC Units in Regional Health VI in Fortaleza (Ceará), from June to December 2019, with professionals from the Family Health Strategy. Educational training based on the World Health Organization’s Mental Health Gap Action Program manual was carried out by two researchers. The degree of stigma was assessed using the Attribution Questionnaire in Portuguese (AQ-9). Results: 64 health professionals participated, mostly women (92%, n=58) with completed higher education (56%, n=34), predominantly Community Health Agents (63%, n=39), with mean age of 43 years. The sums of responses of questionnaire items for each participant were compared before and after the intervention using the Wilcoxon test, and the value of p<0.001 was found. Conclusions: The intervention was able to reduce the stigma of health professionals in relation to people with mental disorders and may serve as basis for the creation of a municipal model for permanent professional education.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Marina Pinho Carneiro, Lívia Mota Veras , Carla Salles Gazeta Vieira Fernandes , Maria Clara de Souza Vieira , Giovana Barroso de Melo Rios , Lourrany Borges Costa
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