The contribution of nutritional intervention in the treatment of arterial hypertension: an experience of an interdisciplinary team


  • Odaleia Barbosa de Aguiar
  • Vera Lucia Rabello de Castro Halfoun
  • Renata Couto Falcão Gomes



Hypertension, Nutrition Therapy, Interprofessionals Relations, Quality of Life


Diet effects on weight, blood pressure (BP), treatment adherence and quality of life (QL) were studied in patients with arterial hypertension and diabetes mellitus followed by interdisciplinary team in one primary health care unit. 116 patients (20- 65 years old) were selected, at least 7 visits demanded. Treatment adherence and QL were analyzed by standard questionnaires. Sex, age, body mass index (BMI), physical activity, fruits and vegetables consume were registered. Final weight (Pf), initial and final weight variation (DP) and relative weight [(Pf/Pi) x 100] were studied in all patients as well as among the obese ones and those who had adhered to treatment and controlled BP. Comparisons among groups and sequential data were done by Mann Whitney and Dunn tests, respectively (p<0,05 demanded). Multiple regression was used comparing QL scores with Pf, Pr and DP. 65 women and 51 men were studied (most 45-64 years old): 33.7% had arterial hypertension, 8.6% diabetes mellitus, and 57.7% both; 81% had not used to make regular physical exercises and 52.5% to consume fruits and 45.6% vegetables daily. Mean BMI was 29.34 + 5.22 kg/ m². There was significant weight reduction, mainly among the obese ones (p<0,0001), and among those who brought their BP to normal values. Higher weight reduction was obtained in those Who adhered to diet and/or physical exercises than others that did not do them. There was no important associations between weight parameters and QL scores. Diet approach, in na interdisciplinary health care model, was efficient to improve response to treatment.



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How to Cite

Aguiar OB de, Halfoun VLR de C, Gomes RCF. The contribution of nutritional intervention in the treatment of arterial hypertension: an experience of an interdisciplinary team. Rev Bras Med Fam Comunidade [Internet]. 2006 Nov. 17 [cited 2025 Mar. 30];1(4):119-31. Available from:



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