Factors associated with dengue virus infection
a cross-sectional study of health surveillance data in the municipality of São Mateus (Espírito Santo), from 2016 to 2020
Dengue, Dengue Virus, Arbovirus Infections, Cross-Sectional Studies, Epidemiology.Abstract
Introduction: Dengue is an endemic infectious disease in tropical and subtropical regions. Knowing the factors associated with dengue cases is necessary to organize the health care system and ensure preventive measures and proper clinical management. Objective: To analyze the factors associated with dengue virus infection in cases reported to the health surveillance system. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study of secondary data on suspected dengue cases reported to the Information System on Diseases of Compulsory Declaration. The sample included individuals with a report of suspected dengue made between January 1, 2016, and December 31, 2020, who lived in São Mateus (Espírito Santo). We calculated the relative and absolute frequencies of the variables and used Poisson regression with robust variance to estimate the prevalence ratio (PR) and 95% confidence intervals (95%CI). Results: A total of 4,547 suspected dengue cases were reported, of which 2,438 (53.8%) were confirmed, 844 (27.7%) were confirmed by laboratory criteria, nine presented warning signs, three had severe dengue, 35 required hospitalization, and four died from dengue. The prevalence of dengue was higher in the age group ≥60 years (PR=1.28; 95%CI 1.14–1.45), individuals with five to eight years of schooling (PR=1.47; 95%CI 1.19–1.81), with positive tourniquet test (PR=1.40; 95%CI 1.22–1.60), and diabetes mellitus (PR=4.19; 95%CI 1.91–9.20). Conclusions: Dengue was more prevalent among individuals aged 60 years and older, with five to eight years of schooling, diabetes mellitus, positive tourniquet test, and leukopenia. These groups are more likely to develop severe dengue, requiring efforts from health care and surveillance services for their clinical management.
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