Medical justifications for telecardiology in primary health care in Joinville, Brazil
Telecardiology, Primary Health Care, Referral and Consultation, Cardiovascular diseases.Abstract
Introduction: It is essential to properly understand the main signs and symptoms, complementary tests, and therapy most commonly used in cardiology by physicians who work in the gateway to the healthcare system to ensure problem-solving care in most cases, thus avoiding unnecessary referrals to secondary health care and, consequently, overloading the healthcare system. In cardiology, some situations demand rapid diagnosis and treatment, in order to avoid damages that include serious sequelae and death of the patient, which justify care in emergency room. In other cases, the specialist’s evaluation can contribute to diagnosis, indication of the most appropriate complementary tests, a differentiated therapy and, mainly, the confirmation of the measures taken by primary health care physicians. However, for various reasons, including insecurity, there is an excess of referrals to specialists. Objective: In this study we aim to identify the main gaps related to cardiology in primary health care that contribute to or result in unnecessary referrals to cardiologists. Methods: This is a descriptive research on the database of 588 telecardiology sessions of Health Centers of primary health care in Joinville (state of Santa Catarina), Brazil, carried out from January 2020 to March 2021. The need for specialized face-to-face care for patients was evaluated by analyzing the cases. Results: A total of 74.15% cases could be resolved in primary health care. In addition, we identified that the main doubts of the primary health care physicians were related to alterations in signs and symptoms, followed by doubts about heart diseases and results of complementary tests. Other consulting sessions addressed questions about noncardiac diseases, medications, and inquiries that did not fit into any of the previous categories. Conclusions: Teleconsulting can avoid a significant number of unnecessary referrals, preventing specialist’s overload. Likewise, it can contribute to guidance to other professionals that enable the solution of these and future cases in primary health care.
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