The potential of follow-up care for a transgender person by a family practice physician
Primary Health Care, Transgender Persons, TransphobiaAbstract
Introduction: Marginalization and access barriers, arising from pathologization and the historical process of intolerance, are crucial to transform the therapeutic itinerary into a hard way for transgender people. Objectives: to demonstrate how a family physician can act as a modifying agent in primary health care, having training and using the tools of the specialty, to promote bonding and equity. Methods: To report the experience of accompanying a transgender user who had her therapeutic itinerary completely modified from the change of attitude of her reference team, analyzing the previous medical record and comparing it with what was experienced by the new team. Results: It was observed that the user in question had a significant change in her therapeutic itinerary after using the tools and creating a bond, taking antiretroviral medications, making conscious use of benzodiazepines and remaining abstinent from the use of drugs. Conclusions: As observed and supported by the literature, it is clear that promoting discussion and training on trans specificities are fundamental for the family and community medicine residency, so that the physician can be an effective resource for the population, with the capacity to create a responsible bond, providing a service with equity, longitudinality, and integrality.
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