Profile of patients under palliative care in home care in a service in Southern Brazil
Palliative care, Home care services, Home care services, hospital-based, Right to die.Abstract
Introduction: Family Practice, being closer to the patient, can offer comprehensive and individualized Palliative Care (PC). Therefore, characterizing the population served becomes essential to support the development and implementation of strategies to expand PC services in the Health Care Network. Objective: Present an overview of the epidemiological profile of patients receiving home-based palliative care from January 2018 to October 2021, supported by Home Care Services (HCS) affiliated with Hospital Municipal São José (HMSJ) in the city of Joinville (SC). Methods: Retrospective case series with Participants in HCS who passed away during the study period were included. Exclusion criteria comprised living participants, those registered but not attended by the medical team, program discharges, incomplete medical records, duplicates, and individuals under 18 years of age. Collected data included record identifier, age, gender, marital status, diagnosis, entry and death dates, duration of HCS stay, death outcome and certification method, opioid analgesia use, use of multiple opioids, and use of continuous infusion pump (CIP) analgesia and/or palliative sedation. Researchers collected and double-checked the coded data, performed average and median calculations, correlated data, and analyzed results. Results: Two hundred and eight patients were included; average age was 66.8 years; neoplastic diseases were most prevalent (94.2%), particularly gastrointestinal (21.1%), pulmonary (12.5%), and breast cancers (9.5%). The majority of patients (37.9%) remained under HCS care for over 30 days, and 75.9% of the analyzed population passed away at home, with 45.67% certified by the Death Verification Service and 30.2% by HCS. Regarding pain management, 87.1% used opioids, most commonly morphine. Palliative sedation was present in only 25.48%, predominantly using midazolam. Conclusions: This study found a higher prevalence of patients with end-stage neoplastic diseases requiring adequate pain control, an area where HCS provides specialized care in a more comfortable environment.
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