Is telemedicine prepared to overcome the barriers to access of health services in Brazil?
TeleNordeste’s experience report
Telemedicine, Primary health care, Barriers to access of health services.Abstract
Problem: In Brazil, there is evidence that certain disadvantaged groups have lower survival rates and a higher probability of premature death. Health inequities are favored by the poor distribution of healthcare professionals, especially doctors, across the country. Telehealth has the potential to support the resolution of issues related to the population’s health. This article described the implementation of a teleconsultation service for Primary Health Care (PHC) with secondary services through telemedicine. It includes challenges and barriers to implementation not commonly described in the literature. Methods: This is an experiential report on the implementation of TeleNordeste in Rio Grande do Norte. The project was developed in collaboration with the Brazilian Ministry of Health through the Support Program for Sustainable Development of the Unified Health System (PROADI-SUS) and built with the assistance of local professionals and managers based on the PASA model, linking teleconsultant doctors to Family Health Teams in the territory. Results: Several stages were necessary for implementation, such as situational diagnosis, approach visits, and collaboration contracts between municipalities and Moinhos de Vento Hospital Association (Associação Hospitalar Moinhos de Vento – AHMV). During implementation, barriers and challenges related to technological, human, and social aspects of the healthcare network, psychosocial and anthropological factors, as well as governmental and economic factors, were identified. Conclusions: Despite all the barriers and challenges encountered in the implementation process, it was possible to verify that teleconsultations have many advantages and also function as a strategy for continued education. The teleconsultation model implemented in Rio Grande do Norte has demonstrated a reduction in waiting time and resolved the majority of cases attended, reducing in-person referrals.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Maria Eulália Vinadé Chagas, Gabriela Tizianel Aguilar, Tiago Sigal Linhares, Taís de Campos Moreira, Andressa Dutra Dode, Gabriel Ricardo Fernandes, Guilherme Carey Frohlich, Deysi Heck Fernandes, Hilda Maria Rodrigues Moleda Constant, Felipe Cezar Cabral

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