Undergraduate research with qualitative methods: report of the experience of a group of teachers and medical students
Scientific Research and Technological Development, Education, Medical, Qualitative Research, Primary Health CareAbstract
This paper was aimed at reporting and discussing the experiences of a group of teachers and students of a medical undergraduate course about medical student research, achieved through research projects with qualitative methods, some of them having the Primary Health Care as a field of research. Contextualizing the report, it was emphasized the recent history of medical student research in Brazil and also the recent use of qualitative methods in health worldwide. The experience report was structured from a basic flowchart of the working process followed by the research projects internships. It is noteworthy that there was an autonomy in relation to data collection but, on the other hand, a greater reliance on their advisers when analyzing and interpreting the findings. Through these undergraduate stages, it is valued the network of meanings present in the health-illness-care process, particularly in Primary Health Care, considering that a progressive scientific understanding of this complex process helps to improve a medical practice effectively attentive to the full health needs of patients and communities.Downloads
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