Applications and reliability of the Mental Vulnerability Scale in Primary Health Care


  • Rafael Medeiros Roriz SES-DF
  • Thiago de Sousa Sasaki Secretaria de Estado de Saúde do Distrito Federal, Medicina de Família e Comunidade – Brasília (DF), Brasil.



Psychometrics, Health vulnerability, Mental health, Primary prevention, Primary care evaluation of mental disorders.


The high prevalence of mental suffering brings new challenges to Primary Health Care, which is responsible for adapting to the needs of the assisted population in order to optimize health promotion, user embracement, and equity. The study of mental vulnerability allows for the identification of individuals with lower resilience in the face of psychological distress, which may result in maladaptive behavior and functional impairment. Such analysis allows for the targeting of health strategies to strengthen the coping mechanisms of individuals or communities facing risk situations. However, the repertoire of tools for risk and vulnerability assessment in Brazilian Portuguese lacks scales adapted for research on mental health. The Mental Vulnerability Scale presents a set of symptoms whose sum indicates a greater predisposition to the development of psychiatric disorders, in addition to having established correlations with various conditions and clinical outcomes. The present study aimed to translate the Mental Vulnerability Scale into Brazilian Portuguese, evaluating its psychometric properties and possibilities of application in the context of Primary Health Care. A quantitative cross-sectional research was conducted with translation and back-translation of the questionnaire validated in English, followed by application in an accidental non-probabilistic sample composed of 180 users of a Primary Health Care Unit without segregation by sex or gender. The results of the reliability statistics reveal high internal consistency of the items, indicating high correlation of the items with the total scale, with little impact of individual questions on overall reliability. Thus, the analysis allows us to conclude that the tool presents consistent measures that can be analyzed for validation of the adapted scale in Brazilian Portuguese. Applications of the instrument involve screening for mental distress, an auxiliary method for territory studies and correlation studies with sociodemographic factors, clinical aspects, and epidemiological data.


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How to Cite

Medeiros Roriz R, Sasaki T de S. Applications and reliability of the Mental Vulnerability Scale in Primary Health Care. Rev Bras Med Fam Comunidade [Internet]. 2024 Dec. 10 [cited 2024 Dec. 19];19(46):4196. Available from:



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