Information available in general practice/family medicine consultations: coding and annotations for future use


  • Luiz Miguel Santiago Administração Regional de Saúde do Centro, IP (ARSC). Coimbra, Portugal. Universidade da Beira Interior. Covilhã
  • Rosa Carvalho USF Topázio, ARSC do Centro. Coimbra
  • Philippe Botas USF Topázio, ARSC do Centro. Coimbra
  • Paula Miranda USF Topázio, ARSC do Centro. Coimbra
  • Catarina Matias USF Topázio, ARSC do Centro. Coimbra
  • Ana Rita Simões USF Topázio, ARSC do Centro. Coimbra
  • Carolina Pereira USF Topázio, ARSC do Centro. Coimbra
  • Maria Glória Neto USF Topázio, ARSC do Centro. Coimbra



Referral and Consultation, International Classification of Primary Care, Medical Records


Objectives: assuming the mandatoriness of ICPC2 classification in every consultation, the objective of this study was to ascertain the frequency of this type of classification in past consultations. This analysis was performed using the Weed-SOAP method, where Subjective (S) is measured by classifications and annotations, Objective (O) by annotations, Avaliation (A) by classification, and Plan (P) by classification and annotations. Methods: a cross-sectional observational study was performed in October 2012, with a 95% confidence interval and 6% error margin, on a representative random sample of consultations conducted on 4 random days of 3 random months of the first semester of 2012, and data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: among the sample of 318 consultations, 149 (46.9%) were with male patients and 61 (19.2%) were aged under 18 years, while 194 (61.0%) were aged 18 or above but under 65 years, after sorting by age groups and gender. In terms of S, 98.7% of consultations had an ICPC-2 classification and 47.2% had an annotation; in terms of O, 66.0% had an annotation demonstrating the state of the patient and 79.9% were explicit; in terms of A, 97.8% had a classification; and in terms of P, 96.5% had a classification and 23.0% had an annotation explaining the plan. There was no statistically significant difference by age group for the studied variables. However, for gender, women had more “Clear and explicit” annotations in S, and “Classification of plan” instances in P. Conclusion: more complete recall of information in consultations is required in order to gain better knowledge about individual consultations and patients for future use.


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Author Biographies

Luiz Miguel Santiago, Administração Regional de Saúde do Centro, IP (ARSC). Coimbra, Portugal. Universidade da Beira Interior. Covilhã

Médico especialista em Medicina Geral e Familiar, Assistente Graduado Sénior na sua Carreira Médica e com Mestrado e Doutoramento pela Universidade de Coimbra

Rosa Carvalho, USF Topázio, ARSC do Centro. Coimbra

MD, Residente de Medicina Geral e Familiar

Philippe Botas, USF Topázio, ARSC do Centro. Coimbra

MD, Rsidente de Medicina Geral e Familiar, Mwstrando em Ciências do Desporto

Paula Miranda, USF Topázio, ARSC do Centro. Coimbra

Especialista em Medicina Geral e Famiiar, Mstranda em Ciências da Nutrição

Catarina Matias, USF Topázio, ARSC do Centro. Coimbra

Espcialista em Medicina Geral e Familiar, MD, Doutoranda em Medicina na Universidade daBeira Interior, Portugal

Ana Rita Simões, USF Topázio, ARSC do Centro. Coimbra

Residente em Medicina Geral e Familiar, MD

Carolina Pereira, USF Topázio, ARSC do Centro. Coimbra

MD, Residente de Medicina Geral e Familiar

Maria Glória Neto, USF Topázio, ARSC do Centro. Coimbra

Especlista em Medicina Geral e Familiar, Coordenadora da USF Topázio


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How to Cite

Santiago LM, Carvalho R, Botas P, Miranda P, Matias C, Simões AR, et al. Information available in general practice/family medicine consultations: coding and annotations for future use. Rev Bras Med Fam Comunidade [Internet]. 2015 Sep. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 26];10(36). Available from:



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