Reorganization of the 24-hour Family Health Unit agenda and access model
Primary Health Care, Health Services Accessibility, User Embracement, Appointments and SchedulesAbstract
Problem: The long queues and the difficulty of care in the Family Health Units (FHU) are a reality known in Brazil. Advanced access represents a new proposal to host and manage the supply of vacancies for consultations. In this context of difficulty of access, was inaugurated in March 2016 in Recife, a new 24-hour Family Health Unit. After 6 months of service in operation, the Alfa team, a fictitious name, felt discouraged by complaints about the difficulty of access. Mobilized by the population dissatisfaction, an intervention was proposed to reorganize the offer of places for consultations and the scheduling model based on advanced access. The objective of this work is to report the experience of reorganization of the agenda and the offer of vacancies for consultations; the changes in the number and type of staff attendance after implementation of this new access model; and the perception of the team members regarding the experience. Methods: The first stage of the initiative included the identification of the viability of the intervention based on the calculation of the daily demand for care. Next, a new calendar template was created that was developed outside of e-SUS and used Google® Drive, and three times were available for the queries: 5 minutes, 10 minutes and 20 minutes, called respectively fast, intermediate and extended. Results: In the third month after the change, the disappearance of the appointments classified as urgency by the old model was observed, the 65% increase in the number of appointments of the Alpha team with transformation of the attendance profile from 70% of scheduled appointments to 70% of consultations of the day. Conclusion: The experience showed that it is possible to increase access by increasing the number of calls from the reorganization of the agenda based on the advanced access model.
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