From knowing to being: reflections on the training of family and community physician in territorial community based service




Family Practice, Education, Medical, Health Promotion, Health Education, Primary Health Care


Objectives: The present study sought from the reflections on the process of execution and maintenance of a group for health promotion in a primary health care unit in the city of Fortaleza, CE, to systematize the experience of organization, execution and maintenance of a group for the promotion of health in a primary health care unit in the city of Fortaleza, CE, correlating the experience of the group process with the theoretical frameworks of Primary Health Care (PHC) and the Community Systemic Approach (CSA), pointing out challenges and potentialities of this approach in the context of PHC and its potential impact on the health of communities and on the training of specialists in Family and Community Medicine. Methods: A methodology of experience systematization was used in dialogue with the autobiographical narratives and the circle of culture. Results: The recovery of the experienced process evidenced the potential of the integration between ASC, Popular Education and Group Process tools, anchored in the knowledge and application of the guiding principles of Family and Community Medicine for producing changes in the work process of the medical professional and in its context of action. Conclusion: By systematizing the experienced process and confronting it with the theory of subject implication, aspects of medical practice in APS that would otherwise remain restricted and implicit in the mode of Family and Community Medical Being emerged. The narrative proposes questions about the impact of this medical practice on the health of populations, individually and collectively, and about the professional himself as a human being that can be endured and endowed with infinite potentialities. Possible paths and the possibilities of change and overcoming of the hegemonic and current medical model were proposed from this narrative full of signs and meanings.


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How to Cite

Marques AC. From knowing to being: reflections on the training of family and community physician in territorial community based service. Rev Bras Med Fam Comunidade [Internet]. 2019 Nov. 4 [cited 2024 Sep. 19];14(41):1897. Available from:





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