Interface between the family health program & mental health assistance: a strategy for care
Primary Health Care, Mental Health, Family HealthAbstract
International studies show that the Primary Health Care (PHC) held the majority of psychiatric care, because even in countries that invest more in mental health, there is a gap between supply and demand for specialist services. In Brazil, it is recommended that the Family Health assist patients with mental health problems and the support matrix is an important instrument to qualify this work. We aim to know the epidemiological profile of users attended by Family health service and the mental health team, during two years, through reviewing medical records. Seventy four percent of the 203 consultations were females from 50 to 59 years old (33%); the main diagnoses were: major depressive episode (61%), generalized anxiety disorder (33%), schizophrenia and posttraumatic stress disorder (11% each). Of these, 35% were referred for psychotherapy (94%) or to secondary mental health outpatient service (6%). The most commonly prescribed psychotropic drugs were selective inhibitors of serotonin reuptake (76%), antihistamines (37%), benzodiazepines (37%) and typical antipsychotics (26%). This interface represented a facilitated and effective access to the user with a mental disorder, and has opened doors to comprehensive health care and interdisciplinary on daily work.Downloads
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